This policy and procedures document outlines what safeguarding adults is and how we actively safeguard adults in adult disability football. Our safeguarding children policy (i.e for those under the age of 18) is covered in a separate document.

1. The FA’s Safeguarding Adults Policy

The Kent Disability Football League endorses and adopts the FA’s Safeguarding Adults Policy.

2. Our expectations

Kent Disability Football League expects every club associated with our League to have a Safeguarding Adults policy and a Club Welfare Officer (Adult Disability Teams).

3. Inclusive culture

Kent Disability Football League commits to ensuring football is inclusive and provides a safe and positive experience for all participants, regardless of age, gender, gender reassignment, disability, culture, language, race, faith, belief or sexual orientation. We expect everyone in the league to share this commitment.

4. Definition of an adult at risk

We recognise that an adult at risk is someone who is:

  • Over 18; and
  • Has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs); and
  • Is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect; and
  • As a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.

5. Our commitment to safeguarding adults

Adult safeguarding means protecting the adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. We recognise we all have a responsibility to safeguard adults who are experiencing, or are at risk of, abuse and neglect and expect everyone in our club to share our commitment to this.

6. Safer recruitment

We endorse and adopt the FA’s safer recruitment guidelines for working with adults. When we recruit new people to work or volunteer at the league, we:

  • Specify what the role is, what tasks are involved and the skills and experience required to do the role;
  • Interview applicants to explore their experiences, skills and motivation;
  • Check relevant qualifications;
  • Ensure new staff or volunteers are welcomed and given an induction into safeguarding in our League and what’s required of our clubs;
  • If we have concerns about the appropriateness of an individual who has approached us to become part of our League or any of our clubs, we seek advice from the County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer;
  • We recognise that the relevant DBS Check should be undertaken for anyone working in regulated activity with under-18s.

7. Appointment

We have appointed a League Welfare Officer (Adult Disability Teams) in line with the FA’s role profile and person specification. The League Welfare Officer sits on our committee and works to ensure safeguarding adults is everyone’s responsibility in our League. We actively encourage all our Clubs to appoint a Club Welfare Officer (Adult Disability Teams).

8. Training

We strongly encourage everyone who works or volunteers in the League and in our Clubs, to complete the FA’s free ‘Safeguarding Adults’ online course to develop an understanding of adult safeguarding concerns.

9. Reporting

  • Safeguarding adults can be complex;
  • When necessary we will seek advice from the County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer; and
  • No-one in our League or Clubs should keep safeguarding concerns to themselves and everyone must report poor practice, abuse and any concerns that an adult may be at risk in accordance with their club policy and procedures. As a League we will respond appropriately to any suspicions of abuse or neglect that might indicate an adult is at risk.

10. Whistle-blowing

We support the FA’s Whistle-Blowing Policy.

Whistle-blowing is an important, accepted practice. No-one should feel guilty about using it. It allows anyone to raise a concern, if they feel an incident has not been properly managed or reported, or that a colleague’s conduct is not appropriate.

To whistle-blow, email the FA at

Key contacts

Our League Welfare Officer (Adult Disability Teams)

Name: Nadege Wiltshire


Call: 07971 496125

Our County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer

Name: Lucy Kidd


Call: 01622 792140

Local out-of-hours adult services

Call: 03000 41 91 91


If you think someone is in immediate danger, the best thing to do is call 999 for the emergency services.

The FA and NSPCC Helpline

Call: 0808 800 5000

Deaf Users
Textphone: 0800 056 0566
