It is the aim of the Kent Disability Football League to ensure that every child, young person or adult who plays football within this ‘league’ should be able to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment and be protected from abuse.

A child or young person is anyone under the age of 18 engaged in any footballing activity (including match officials). All adults associated with this ‘league’ are to safeguard the welfare of all players and where possible protect them from physical, sexual and emotional harm and from neglect and bullying.

In striving to attain this ‘The League’s’ aims are as follows:

  • To ensure that the child’s or adult’s welfare is always considered as paramount.
  • All young people or adult’s involved in disability football have a right to be protected from abuse and harm regardless of their sporting ability, age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
  • The League will treat all suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice seriously and will respond swiftly and appropriately.
  • To ensure that all member clubs appoint a Club Welfare Officer. The requirements of this post will be in line with FA recommendations which include as a minimum:
    1. obtaining an up to date FA accredited DBS Enhanced Disclosure which must be kept up to date and renewed every 3 years.
    2. attendance at an FA Safeguarding Children Workshop and subsequent re-certification which must be kept up to date and renewed every 3 years.
    3. Attendance at a FA Welfare Officers Workshop.
  • To encourage all member clubs to attain FA Charter Standard status.
  • To actively encourage people to take advantage of educational opportunities provided by the FA in the area of Safeguarding Children, Safeguarding adults in disability football and best practice.
  • To provide a structured network of support to its membership if and when required in areas relating to Safeguarding Children issues.
  • To develop pro-active and positive ethics to support the above aims.

Nadege Wiltshire

League Welfare Officer, Kent Disability Football League


For any queries regarding child protection please contact one of the following:

Our League Welfare Officer (Adult Disability Teams)

Name: Nadege Wiltshire


Call: 07971 496125

Our County FA Designated Safeguarding Officer

Name: Lucy Kidd


Call: 01622 792140

Local out-of-hours adult services

Call: 03000 41 91 91


If you think someone is in immediate danger, the best thing to do is call 999 for the emergency services.

The FA and NSPCC Helpline

Call: 0808 800 5000

Deaf Users
Textphone: 0800 056 0566


More information

Information and contact details for parents and guardians on Internet Safety:

For all information, guidelines and resources on Safeguarding, visit the FA website.

Respect fair play in football

Means that everyone connected with football

  • Shows understanding of and respect for the Laws of the Game.
  • Supports the belief that the game should be played in an entertaining and positive way.
  • Behaves on and off the field of play in a sporting manner towards all others involved, be they players, officials or spectators, irrespective of results.

Misconduct and verbal abuse

All players, Club Officials and Spectators are reminded that the use of foul and/or abusive language, racial chants and/or remarks are considered to be conduct liable to bring the game into disrepute and the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken when any such instances are brought to the attention of The League and the County Association.

Please help to ensure that our games are not marred by such behaviour.